New Blossoms

Spring is in full swing, here in Georgia. The days are growing steadily longer and warmer. Bumble bees are buzzing, squirrels are scurrying, birds are chirping, and flowers are blooming. I have always been fond of Spring. It is a season of light and lightness, new creations and growth, as well as a time for letting go of the old. For the past couple of months I have been traveling and visiting family and friends. If you follow me on Instagram, you will see that I have been keeping quite busy and having such a blast! My poor blog has been waiting patiently for me to write about my adventures. So here I am, finally sitting down at the keyboard.

Since publishing my first post back in November, I have realized that the frequency of my posts has been inconsistent. Writing is one of my great passions, and lately I have not been granting myself the time to do it. I want to change this. In the spirit of Spring, I am letting go of habits that detract from my writing. Some of these non-supportive habits include the lack of a writing schedule, procrastination, and a negative internal dialogue (also known as my critical narrator). As I let go of these old habits, I am opened up to create something new for my blog. I am excited to announce that beginning next week I will be posting not just once but twice per week!

Allow me to introduce Any Topic Tuesday and Fiction Friday. Each week my blog will feature two separately themed posts; the meaning is entirely in the name. Tuesdays’ posts will be dedicated to any and all topics, similar in tone and style to my past writings. Fridays’ posts will be set aside for fiction, which is my favorite form of writing. I have lots of short stories, tall tales, and creative imaginings to share with you. I would also like to hear from you all, my readers, and know what you want to read on Any Topic Tuesday or Fiction Friday. Contact me here or through any of my social media platforms to send me your suggestions and requests. Also, be sure to follow my blog to stay up to date with my latest posts. Until next week – Happy Spring!


Facing a Fear

For many weeks I have been debating on whether or not I wanted to share what I am about to share – a poem that I wrote many years ago. I must confess that I feel a bit nervous. I do not often share my creative writing, as it makes me feel vulnerable. Writing is one of my greatest passions. I love telling stories and creating through written language. I have not shared my poetry or fiction for a long time because I have been afraid. Part of me still feels scared, but I no longer want to be held back by fear. I know that not everyone will like my writing, and that is okay. Writing for me is like art. It is a way for me to create, to express, to explore, and to imagine. The poem I am sharing is short and simple. It captures a brief moment in time when I was traveling.


A Peaceful Park in Bristol

Birds sing.

A cool autumn breeze.

Tall trees surround,

Along with green grass

And distant traffic sounds.

Alone, stands a monument

Made of humble stone.

But, for what it commemorates

No one here seems to know.

God bless, the lives that were slain

Those ‘glorious dead’ of the two

World Wars.

Erin Janda, 19 October 2010

